Regulatory Reporting
Automation for a Digital Bank
To automate 200+ Regulatory Reports having different periodicities like Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual
Solution Delivered
- We delivered a scalable solution where the entire mapping of report templates, their periodicity, SQL queries, etc was managed in JSON files and the workflow orchestration was done in Airflow.
Solution Framework
- Airflow was used to orchestrate the reporting workflow and scheduling purpose
- Python was used for data ETL from the database, pushing the data in MS Excel worksheets, and storing the final report on the cloud
- Automated Testing of reports was done using PyTest
- SQL Stored Procedures were written in PostgreSQL to summarize data for report generation
- The mapping between SQL Stored Procedures, report templates and its cell references, and custom data transformation was all managed in JSON
- The reports were stored on a Cloud Server with a Month-wise folder structure and timestamp versioning for each report dump
- GitLab was used for project code management and CI-CD integration
Tech Stack
Kubernetes Cluster
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